Woman with a face mask to help hers dry skin on face

Find out what are the causes of dry skin – let’s talk about skin care

Dry skin – a frequent struggle that can be resolved. Do you often find yourself developing dry skin? Despite having a certain skin type, many women give up to treat dry skin. Find out how to improve your skin condition by reading our article!

Extremely dry skin is a condition when your face is stripped off its natural oils. Your face can appear puffy, red, irritated and even transform into flaky skin. Whereas those symptoms are often aligned with your skin type, people with oily skin or complicated skin type can develop such as well. But why exactly is dry skin such a very common skin condititon? Why it’s considered relatively dangerous, even when the main focus goes to the visual? And, most importantly, what are the best remedies to improve dry skin?

The causes of dry skin and their influence on the quality of other factor

Truthfully, without a full medical approach, it’s a tough nut to crack when finding the very causes of dry skin. Mostly, it’s a few factors, like unhealthy habits, mixed together. First of all, skin care. Unfortunately, despite it’s growing popularity in the recent years, many people still have yet to find out the right way to treat their face. Using harsh soaps instead of gentle cleanser, not getting enough moisture during the day or, a frequent one, not using an spf. Harsh detergents placed in most poor quality skin care products can do a huge damage, especially for older adults. Another reason of why so many people develop dry skin is their lifestyle. Dehydraction is often the very path to getting the skin dry. While the oily skin is mostly associated with poor eating habits, undereating or protein deficiency can potentially cause a dry skin. Living conditions and environmental factors do have huge influence as well. Most of all too many hot showers, central heating, certain medications, dry climates and low humidity. Winter itch cannot be forgotten, as that’s when people most develop cracked skin. Therefore, while we cannot control the weather or conditions around us, we certainly can use some preventative measures.

The hard path of improving your skin conditions

Unfortunately, getting rid of itchy skin is not easy, nor fast. If you manage to locate the cause, good for you, but the hardest part yet awaits. With skin care being the case, here’s a few non-negotiable rules to prevent skin dryness. First, do not use too hot water. Actually, do not use too cold water either. The very key for washing both body and face is to use room temperature water. It might strip you off some pleasure while showering, yet it’s way more benefitial than extreme temperatures. Use a moisturizing soap and a fragrance free, moisturizing cream aftewards. Those will ensure that you don’t develop dry skin and keep the skin hydrated. Stay away from harsh cleansers and never wear gloves for exfoliating your face. When it comes to your body, you might use them for peeling, yet leave face to more gentle exfoliation. Choosing between showers or baths, go for the showers. Not only more environmently friendly, but also better for treating dry skin. For more moisturizing effect, incorporate hyaluronic acid. It appears in most moisturizers or serums. For the best products, obviously visit a board certified dermatologist. Soft towel is a must, let go of any harshness. However, the case appears differently when your struggle are health habits. Too soothe dry skin and improve your living conditions, start by hydrating enough and adding more fruit, veggies, protein and whole foods to your diet. Healthy fats like fish, nuts or avocado are essential to make your skin soft and glowy. Also, move! Your body needs exercise to function properly. It will not only make your improve your skin, but also your overall happiness. Remember about rest, sleep and stress reliefs. Even a slight deficiency of any of these can lead to appearance of the symptoms of dry skin.

An alarm from the body – itchy skin

Hand cream for itching skin

For people dealing with dry and sensitive skin for years, itchy skin is a daily bread. However, sometimes unnaturally itchy skin can be the first sight of something larger, potentially dangerous. Itchy skin appears when skin produces not enough oils and liquids to keep it even steady. It results in irritated skin, drier skin than usual and way less moisture. While it is a very common skin condition, it’s also an alarm. Skin stadiums like that can be the first symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis or contact dermatitis. Those medical conditions can be easily resolved by paying a visit to a primary care doctor and getting proper treatment. Yet, for people developing it frequently with a long medical history their natural skin getting dry and itchy, board certified dermatologists advice to look further. There might be no medical term for the condition, yet sometimes it’s even a sign of kidney disease or, even, a skin cancer. It’s essential not to ignore those risk factors and get them medically reviewed as soon as possible. Apart from efforts to prevent dry skin, frequent tests can save a life.

Severe dry skin – how to cope, exactly?

Despite all those health tips, having a dry skin is a life struggle indeed. Keeping all the reccommendations wellness professionals advise, checking the ingredients in all laundry detergents and controlling medical conditions are time consuming. And while it might not be that tough for people not working a full time job, most don’t have such a luxury. There are a few easy tips for improving skin conditions. If you’re engaging frequent hand washing, always gather petroleum jelly with you. It won’t left your skin dry after the washing. Avoid hot water, of course. With such a chronic skin condition like dry skin, even moisturing ointments tend to not be enough if the water is too hot. Try not to appear long in dry air, however possible, and during the cold weather, wear gloves and hats. For keeping your health conditions stable, try home remedies, like masks from honey or aloe. Skin loses water less frequently with them applied.


Having dry skin diagnosed doesn’t have to be a death sentence. With our tips on how to relieve dry skin, it’ll become the matter of the past.

One thought on “Find out what are the causes of dry skin – let’s talk about skin care

  1. Thanks to this amazing article I know now how to cope with my dry skin! This is just the best article about dry skin I have ever read!

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